take me back homeeeee!!!

THEEEE cool and/or fun sites IN QUESTION:

Music Map

Sort Your Music

Artwork Finder (album art, promotional, etc! Very helpful for my media page)

cooltext.com - make cool freaking text

textanim.com - make some more cool freaking text

bloggif.com/text - make some MOREE cool freaking text

Dynamic Drive - "free, original DHTML & JS"

gifcities.org - a buncha gifs

Text to ASCII

ACME Labelmaker

Barra's Error Message Generator

GRSites Textures - archived lots of repeating bg textures

ezgif.com - simple & epic gif maker/editor

Web Button Maker!

Real Favicon Generator

Glitter Text Generator


Cameron's World

[as] bumps

Keyboard Heatmap

Bored Button

Windows 93

BMX biking video w/ a song I love

The Useless Web

Color Blindness Simulator


Samantha Goes to Restaurants

Radiohead Public Library...
